Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fairy Flora and Fauna

* Alder Tree [Venus, Mars, Saturn & The Moon]: This tree is protected
by water Faeries.
* Almond [Mercury & The Sun]: Carry in your pocket to find the
treasure of Leprechauns.
* Angelica [Uranus, Venus, Sparta, The Sun & Moon]: the faeries of
this flower are very beautiful. These faeries bring good fortune and
strong energy.
* Apple Blossom Oil [Venus]: To "see" in your mind's eye The Other

* Basil {Mars, Venus, Neptune & The Earth]: This faerie spirit is
more of an elf form. Where ever basil grows, there usually is a
dragon to be found serving as protector.
* Bilberry leaf [The SUn & Moon]: To bring the spirit of Gnomes to
help you with your magick.
* Blackthorn Tree [Saturn, Mars & The Earth]: The Lunantishee (a race
of Moon Faeries) are the guardians of this powerful tree, which may
be used either for great ill or great good.
* Bluebell [The Moon & Venus]: This flower is filled with danger! As
the Scottish name for this plant is "deadmen's bells" for to hear the
ring of a bluebell is to hear one's death knell. The bluebell is one
of the most potent Faerie flowers, and a Bluebell wood is an
extremely dangerous place to be-a place of Faerie woven spells &
enchantments. Fairies are beckoned to their midnight dances just by
ringing these little bells. Represents kindness and most potent of
all faery flowers.They are also called "warning bells" because to
travel into bluebell glade is to find yourself in a place of
concencrated faery magick and enchantment.
* Boldo Leaves, Whole [Saturn, Mercury, Mars, The Sun & Moon]: Ruled
by the Faerie King, Bran. Carry in a green or purple magick-bag, or
place in a bowl in your living space. Boldo will bring a Faerie
spirit to guide you & to bring happiness into your life. Hang a
pink, yellow or green magick-bag of Boldo leaves & Earth near your
garden & the Faeries will help your garden to grow.
* Buttercup [Venus, The Sun & Moon]: The buttercup and it's faery bring
most healing energies. Give your self-esteem a boost. These faeries
are compassionate and empathetic towards humans.

*Carnations, Red [Venus, The Sun & Moon]: Red carnations draw faeries
who enjoy healing animals.
* Clover, Four-Leafed [Mercury]: Will break a Faerie spell.
* Cowslips [Venus & The Sun]: Have always been a special charge of
the Faeries, in fact guarded by them. Also distinguished by their
power to find hidden Faerie gold and is also known as, "keys to
unlock the way to treasure," in the West of England.

* Daisy [Venus & The Sun]: Dryad flower. Helps to boost creativity.
The Daisy is a favorite flower of the wood nymphs. Relax among these
flowers and to help contact them.
* Dandelion [Mercury & The Sun]: Said to be used by the faeries for
making beverages.
* Dill [The Sun & Moon]: Faeries dislike the scent of this plant.

* Elder Tree [Venus, The Moon & Sun]: This tree is sometimes a Witch
(probably, in actuallity, a Faerie) in tree-form & should not be axed
without asking her leave. And, children should also not be laid in a
cradle made of Elder wood for the faeries will pinch them black &

* Faerie Lanterns [Unknown]: These spirits inspire the imagination
but be wary if becoming faerie charmed in the process. May also
help "grounding" and re-awakening the inner child within all of us.
* Fiddle Fern [The Earth, Moon & Sun]: Put fern seeds, spores or
leaves in your shoes & you will dance with the Faeries in your dreams.
* Forget-me-Not [Unknown]: A symbol of love and devotion. If you
place these flowers on the side of a mountain where fairy treasure is
hidden, secret cavern walls will open up for you.
* Foxglove, POISONOUS [Venus]: The oxglove derives its name
from "Little Folks' Glove" for the flowers are worn by Faeries,
sometimes as hats, sometimes as gloves. Another name attributed to
Foxglove is "Goblins' Thimbles." Not, perhaps, in apt, considering
that Foxglove contains digitalis, a heart stimulant & source of wild,
dark excitement that Goblins bring.

Gardenia [Neptune & The Moon]: A symbol of love and devotion. If you
place these flowers on the side of a mountain where fairy treasure is
hidden, secret cavern walls will open up for you.
* Gorse [Unknown]: Repels almost all faeries.

* Heather [Venus]: The natural inhabitant of the Heather Pixies
(a.k.a. Moor Sprites). The fae of this flower are attracted to shy
humans. Fairies that live among the heather undisturbed are said to
feast on the heather stalks. A flower of peace and solitude.
* Hibiscus Flowers [Jupiter & The Sun]: Are dried by Witches to
powder & used in letters & packages to loved ones far away. They
carry a love spell a long distance. Hibiscus flowers, also with red
Poppies, will bring a red moon goblin (sending them a long distance,
as well) to whisper sweet things in your lover's ear while he or she
is sleeping, and he or she will dream of you as the moon goblins
whisper your name.
* Hollyhock [Venus]: This is a favorite of faeries, especially the
pink variety.

* Iris [Venus, Vulcan & The Moon]: Iris was the Greek goddess of the
rainbow, and the faeries of this flower manifest in all the colors of
the rainbow itself.
* Irish Moos- Sea Weed [Neptune}: To bring Mermaid's magick to your
spells, for a beautiful voice.

* Jasmine [Jupiter, Moon & The Sun]: These faeries will help to bring
on peaceful dreams and clarity of the mind.

* Lady's Slipper [Venus, The Sun & Moon] Brings women the protection
of Maeve, the Faerie Queen (carry the root).
* Lavender [Venus, Mercury, Uranus, The Moon & Sun]: The faeries of
this flower and the other nature spirits it draws are very protective.
* Lilac [Venus & The Moon]: The Sprite known as Pusait has his
favorite place to wait around the Lilac. Known as a friend of
Drarves & Earth Spirits, he would send Drawves to village homes to
bring him bread, beer & cooked foods. The scent draws faeries. The
faeries of this flower are musical.
* Lily of the Velley [The Moon]: For Faerie power.
* Lobelia [Jupiter & The Sun]: Attracts winged faeries.

* Marigold [The Sun]: These faeries will help to bring on peaceful
dreams and clarity of the mind. The faeries and nature spirits
associated with this flower hold the mysteries and magic of
* Meadowsweet [Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, The Earth, Moon & Sun]: The
Faerie Goddess Aine gave this herbe its scent, use it to honour Her
on Midsummer.
* Mistletoe [The Sun]: Attracts unpleasant tree faeries.
* Mimosa Oil [Saturn & The Moon]: For enchantments, glamourics, &
* Morning Glory, POISONOUS [The Sun & Mon]: Repels unwanted night
* Mulberry Bark [Jupiter & The Sun]: Will bring Faerie power to you.

* Pansy [Venus & Neptune]: Pansy is the "little Western flower" that
was used as a love potion by Oberon and was equally as loved by both
faerie & commoner in Elizabethan England. Attracts parades of
trooping faeries.
* Phlox [Venus]: The faeries of this flower are of elf form. They are
more of an overseer and guardian.
* Pine Oil [Uranus, Pluto, Saturn & Jupiter]: To envoke Merlin & the
Faerie Queen, Morgan.
* Poppy Flowers, Red [The Moon & Venus]: To attract red moon goblins
to whisper in your lover's ear while your lover is asleep, and do
your bidding.
* Prickly Ash Bark [The Earth & Moon]: To give Faerie powerto your
* Primrose [Venus & Pluto]: Use to gain the love & loyalty of
Faeries, also to bring you love, health & sex. They also boast a
unique power- they make the invisible, visable, and to eat them is a
sure way to see Faeries! If one touches a Faerie rock with the
correct number or Primroses in a posy, the way is opened to
Faerieland (The Underworld) & Faerie gifts, but the wrong number
opens the door to doom.

* Ragwort [The Earth]: Bring the protection of Epona (Celtic Goddess
of Horses). And, the Faeries use them, as well as Rye-Grass, as make-
shift horses. "Horse & Hattock" are the magick words to make them
* Red Clover, Tops [Venus, Mars & The Moon]: The Faerie Queen, Maeve
shall show you love, honour her. Use in love spells. The clover
faeries will help find love.
* Rosemary [Pluto, The Sun & Moon]: Gives protection from baneful
* Rowan Wood [Venus, Saturn, The Earth & Moon]: Protects you from
others doing evil against you. Brings Faerie power to your spells.
However, it may also be used to good effect from malign spirits &
faeries. As butter churns were once made from this wood to ensure
the butter was not "overlooked" by Faeries or Witches. And, be
witched horses can always be controlled by a Rowan whip. The "Flying
Rowan" (the tree not growing with its root in the ground, but, in a
cleft, a rock, or the braches of another tree) are to be the MOST
potent. The Druids also used this wood to conjure Spirits.

* Senna Leaf [Venus, The Earth & Moon]: To float your wishes on
Faerie dust.
* Shallot [Mars]: To prtect against misfortune & Trolls.
* Snapdragon [Mercury, The Sun & Moon]: These fae bring protection
for all from deceit and curses! Hold these flowers secretly in your
hand and others will see you as gracious and fascinating. This plant
and where it grows are often watched over by tiny dragons. The
faeries and sprits of this flower have connections to the energies of
all dragons and bring great protection.
* Sweetgrass [The Sun & Moon]: Most often used to bring Faeries to
you. Very powerful at doing so.
* St, Joan's Wort, POISONOUS [Saturn & The Earth]: Use the root for
protection of the Sidhe.
* St. John's Wort [The Sun]: Is even more efficacious against spells
for it provides actual protection from Faeries. This herbe, being a
sun symbol, like the daisy, was used extensively in Midsummer Pagan
rituals, and is both a powerful protection & a good healing plant.

* Thyme, Wild [Mercury, Vulcan & The Sun]: Bees, which are considered
to be messangers of the Gods, have a particular fondness for this
blossom. "To see the Fayries" a brew must be concocted including
Wild Thyme "the tops of which must be gathered near the side of a
hill where the fayries used to be oft, & the grass of a fayrie
throne." Like other flowers which are the favorites of Faerie, Wild
Thyme is dangerous to bring into the house.
* Tragacanth Powder [The Earth, Moon & Sun]: Place in a green magick-
bag for Faerie King power.

* Usnea [Venus, Neptune & The Moon]: Sets your magick afloat on the
nearest ocean wave & brings Mermaids to do your magick for you.
* Uva Ursi Leaf, POISONOUS [Uranus, mercury & The Moon]: To
communicate with the spirit of powerful Elves.

* Volet [Jupiter, Venus & The Moon]: Use the Essential Oil to invoke
Viviane, The Lady of The Lake (and in some accounts a Water Faerie &
foster mother of Lancelot whom gave him a magick silver ring to break
any enchantment). The violet is sacred to all fairies. Gathering
violets in the spring will bring good luck and a wish come true
courtesy of the faery realm. It is sacred to all Faeries, especially
the Faerie Queen

* White Lotus [The Moon]: Some believe that the white lotus flowers
are nymphs in disguise. A woman can carry this flower to counter the
effect of unwanted love spells.
source unknown

1 comment:

  1. Just tapping into this a couple years after you posted! Lucky for me, there's no expiration dates on blog posts ;-)) I loved reading this, and several of your other posts. You have a beautiful blog. I hope you will post something again soon.
