Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fairy Day...June 24th

June 24th is Fairy Day!

Fairy Day! The official holiday for fairy collectors, believers, artisans and the young at heart. Celebrated around the world by those who love all things fairy. Mark your calendars & join in the magic! Fairy Day falls on June 24th each year!
Fairy Day is a holiday sprung from the imagination of a fairy artist and believer, and brought to life with the help of many of her talented friends and fellow fairy lovers. With the world enjoying a surge of interest in all things fairy, we feel that now is the perfect time to introduce a yearly holiday to celebrate the fae. This holiday is for everyone who believes in the magic of fairytales. It is for those imaginative souls who dare to dream impossible dreams. It is for the children of the world, wide eyed and open to the magic that surrounds them. It is for adults too, who long to capture a bit of that magic they remember from thier own childhood. Please join us in supporting this wonderful holiday. We have filled the pages of this web site with ideas on how you can support and celebrate Fairy Day.

- Jessica Galbreth, fairy artist, founder of Fairy Day

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