Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fairy Queens

(British) Elf; the Queen of Avalon.
According to some legends, King Arthur went to Queen Argante in Avalon after he was mortally wounded in his final battle. Some authorities connect Argante with Morgan le Fay, but others associate her with the goddess Arianrhod. Evoke Argante for healing, fairy magic, and working with elves.

(Celtic: British) Fairy queen.
Caelia is a fairy queen of British legend and literature. She enchanted Tom o' Lincoln, an illegitimate son of King Arthur, and took him for her lover despite the fact that he was married. They had a son, a fairy knight called Red Rose Knight. Eventually, Caelia drowned herself. Christian legend has it that she dwells in the House of Holiness with her three daughters: Fidelia (faith), Speranza (hope), and Charissa (charity). Evoke Caelia for motherhood, enchantment, kindness, fairy magic, and learning the lessons that a relationship begun by magical means may not end happily, and that imposing your will upon someone, or taking something which you have no right to, will cause you negative

FUAMNACH: (pronounced foo-am-nach)
(Celtic: Irish) Fairy queen.
Fuamnach was a powerful fairy queen. Midir the Proud, son of the Dagda, was her fairy king. After many years of marriage, Midir enraged her by taking the younger, more beautiful Etain as a second wife. Fuamnach used her druid rod to change Etain first into a pool of water, and then into a purple butterfly, but Midir was still madly in love with Etain. Etain spent seven years as a butterfly, blown across Ireland by the winds and storms that Fuamnach kept sending in order to keep her away from Midir. One day she landed in the palace of Angus, the god of love. He changed Etain back into a woman from dusk until dawn every night, and they became lovers. When Fuamnach heard this, she again became enraged. This time she changed Etain into a fly, and sent a tempest to blow her away. Angus was so angered by Etain's loss that he killed Fuamnach and took her head as a trophy. A thousand years passed. Etain was reborn as a human baby, grew again into a beautiful woman, and married the high king of Ireland. Midir, who was still besotted with Etain, was able to win her from her husband in a game of chess. He was not able to keep her for long though, because she chose her husband over Midir when he came to get her back. Evoke Fuamnach for transformation, raising magical storms, and learning the lesson that spells cast in anger seldom work the way you want them to.

(British) A night sprite.
Mab was probably derived from the Welsh goddess Mabd, who corresponds to the Irish goddess Maeve. Queen Mab is known from British fairy lore. Mab brings nightmares to humans when she visits, driving her hazelnut-shell wagon across their sleeping faces. Shakespeare called her the fairies' midwife, and described her as being "no bigger than an agate stone on the forefinger of an alderman". Evoke Mab for night magic and faery magic.

(Native American: Algonquin Indian) Queen of the Elves of Light. Summer is a tiny, beautiful woman who dances in the forest and hibernates during the winter. Winter, a giant, melts away when Summer appears. Evoke Summer fort fairy magic and seasonal magic.

Source: Unknown

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