Sunday, May 10, 2009

Fairy Doors

What are fairy doors? Can I make my own fairy door?
Fairy Doors are magical items and when placed into your home or garden you can be sure that fairy folk from all around will follow.

By "inviting" the little magical creatures in they bring good luck. Fairy Doors let the "little people" into your house & garden. You can place them anywhere, on a wall , or baseboard, against a stone, a stump, a tree, literally anywhere you want them.

Of course only "they" can open them.

In Ann Arbor: The urban fairies have clear favorites. Judging by the locations of the doors, and by the items sold in the related stores, they enjoy toys, art, candy, fashion, deli meats, theater and caffeine. They may also have a yen for books and chocolate.

Some ideas for making your own fairy doors
You can make fairy doors for either outside or inside (for the newly suburbanized fairies). For outside doors, you will obviously need weather-proof materials. Some ideas include:

Concrete: you can use plastic containers as a mold to make a fairy door out of cement, similar to making a stepping stone (get portland cement, sand and mix with water, pour into mold, cure for a bit and add do-dads). You could insert a rectangular tile as the door, and broken tile or glass globs as decoration around the edges.

Ceramic: If you use clay, form a simple door frame, door, door knob, window (if you like) on a slab. Glaze and fire it.

Wood: Using scraps of wood make any design you fancy (see our links section for more pictures). Finish the wood to make it weather proof, or allow it to weather naturally (except plywood may not work well in the weather). You can get pre-cut pieces at craft places like Michael's. Use waterproof paints for outdoor use.

For indoors:
It would be pretty simple to take a small picture frame (wood), as a door frame, and a piece of wood (or wood covered with copper foil) as the door. Use a bead for a door knob. Using a frame has the benefit of a built in hanger.

Make wood doors out of precut pieces from a crafts store, or maybe someone handy can make you some pieces. The basic door has a frame (3 rectangles) and a rectangular door.

Books: Seems there are ways to make old books into fairy doors (see our Flikr Photos below).

Old VHS: Could you wrap them in Copper foil, use a patina on it, or use muslin dampened with glue?

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